Common Issues Found During Septic System Inspections

A septic system plays a crucial role in the proper disposal of wastewater from homes and buildings that are not connected to municipal sewer lines. Regular inspections are essential to ensure the system is functioning effectively and to identify any issues that may arise. In this article, we will discuss some of the common issues that can be found during septic system inspections in Canada, along with the solutions and repairs that can address these problems. By understanding these issues, homeowners can take proactive steps to maintain their septic systems and prevent costly repairs in the future.

 Septic System Inspections

I. Poor Drainage and Standing Water:

One of the primary issues that can be detected during septic system inspections is poor drainage and the presence of standing water in the yard. This can indicate a problem with the drain field, which is responsible for filtering and dispersing the wastewater. The following solutions and repairs can address this issue:

  • Checking the drain field: A professional septic system inspection company can assess the drain field’s condition and determine if it is clogged or experiencing any other issues. If a blockage is detected, appropriate measures can be taken to resolve it.

  • Pumping the septic tank: Regular pumping of the septic tank is crucial to prevent excessive buildup and potential overflow. If the tank is full and causing drainage issues, pumping it out can alleviate the problem.

II. Septic Tank Leaks and Cracks:

Septic tanks are susceptible to leaks and cracks over time, leading to a range of issues such as groundwater contamination and foul odors. Here are some solutions and repairs for septic tank leaks and cracks:

  • Inspecting the tank: During a septic system inspection, the septic tank will be thoroughly examined for any signs of leakage or structural damage. This can involve using specialized equipment such as cameras to inspect the interior of the tank.

  • Repairing or replacing the tank: If a leak or crack is detected, appropriate repairs or replacements may be necessary. This should be done by a professional septic system inspection company to ensure the work is done correctly and meets the required standards.

III. Blockages and Clogs:

Blockages and clogs can occur in various parts of a septic system, including the pipes, distribution box, or even within the tank itself. These blockages can cause backups, slow drains, and other plumbing issues. Here are some solutions and repairs for dealing with blockages and clogs:

  • Clearing the blockage: A professional septic system inspection company can use techniques such as hydro-jetting or snaking to remove blockages and clogs from the system. It is essential to identify the source of the blockage to prevent it from recurring.

  • Preventive measures: Homeowners can take preventive measures to avoid blockages, such as avoiding flushing non-biodegradable items down the toilet and minimizing the use of harsh chemicals that can disrupt the balance of bacteria in the septic tank.

IV. Malfunctioning or Faulty Components:

Septic systems consist of various components, including pumps, floats, and alarms, which can malfunction over time. Identifying and addressing these issues is crucial for the overall functionality of the system. The following solutions and repairs can help resolve problems with malfunctioning components:

  • Component inspection: A professional septic system inspection company will assess the condition of all the system’s components to ensure they are functioning correctly. This includes checking pumps, floats, and alarms for any signs of malfunction.

  • Repair or replacement: If any components are found to be faulty or not working as intended, repairs or replacements may be necessary. It is important to rely on professional expertise to carry out these repairs and ensure the system is restored to proper working order.


Regular inspections of septic systems are vital to maintain their functionality and prevent potential issues from escalating into costly repairs. By addressing common issues such as poor drainage, septic tank leaks, blockages, and malfunctioning components, homeowners can ensure the longevity and effectiveness of their septic systems.

To schedule a professional septic system inspection and address any potential issues, contact a reputable septic system inspection company in your area. Taking proactive steps today can save you from significant headaches and expenses in the future. Remember, a healthy septic system is essential for the well-being of your home, the environment, and your community.